This recipe is taken from the “Tavola, Arte e Gusto” blog ( Questa ricetta è tratta dal blog “Tavola, Arte e Gusto” (
It was in the southern part of Puglia where this recipe born. They were made for the first time by a Chef from the Province of Lecce. He invented these...
Start your day or end your meal on a light note with this delicious ricotta and chocolate tart. Inizia la giornata alla grande o gusta un fine pasto delizioso con...
The shortcrust pastry is by far one of my favorite recipes, always on my daily wish list. This is a recipe for the perfect shortcrust pastry (for tart and cookies)!...
Very easy to make… In Italy, we say “One leads to the other… like cherries” Enjoy Facilissimi, velocissimi, inzupposissimi! Uno tira l’altro… come le ciliegie Enjoy!
Mon Tresor Biscuits (Seed Oil Shortcrust Pastry) This is one of the easiest and fastest pastry to make! Super good, lactose-free, and suitable for making biscuits and pies. In this...
How about a nice croissant for breakfast today? The croissant comes from the Viennese kipfel, but it is not an Italian “cornetto”! The difference lies in the dough. Despite they...
Whole wheat flour shortcrust pastry for jam tart and cookies (Light) Jam tart or cookies? In doubt, I eat both! Frolla integrale light per crostate e biscotti… Crostata o biscotti?...
According to a legend, the first pastiera was prepared by the mermaid Partenope. The first mermaid chef in history? The Neapolitans gave her the ingredients that are used to prepare...