Today is the birthday of the website!!! We have been ON AIR for 1 year! And what’s better than a nice piece of cake for breakfast this morning? Have you...
Start your day or end your meal on a light note with this delicious ricotta and chocolate tart. Inizia la giornata alla grande o gusta un fine pasto delizioso con...
Chocolate salami is a traditional dessert that takes us back in time. Have you ever eaten a slice? Ideal as breakfast, snack, or at the end of a meal. It’s...
What could be tastier than a cocoa shortcrust pastry? Everybody likes it! Today, I filled it with a hazelnut spread, but it is also very good with jams, creams, ricotta,...
This bundt cake is really soft as a pillow! And you can’t imagine that goodness drenched in milk. Questo ciambellone è davvero soffice come un cuscino! E non immaginate che...
This recipe is for serious chocoholics Questa ricetta è per veri “cioccolato dipendenti!”. Link: How to Convert American Measuring Cups – Tavole di Conversione Misure Americane
One of my favorite ingredients ever: ricotta cheese! This cake is very easy to make and it’s really delicious! It’s a traditional dessert and a good way to get back...
Thursday Muffin Ops, no! It was Thursday dumplings (Italian saying) Anyway, I’d like you to meet a nice pair of chocolate muffins. Closely-knit waiting for Valentine’s Day I hope they...
Would you like a slice for breakfast? E voi come avete fatto colazione stamattina? Che ne dite di partire con la carica di una bella fetta di torta pere e...